21 august 2023
At ProductLife Group (PLG), the success of our clients translates directly to our success.
Nearly every consulting company claims to provide great service. But not all clients have a great experience, so there’s an opportunity for improvement.
Providing high-quality, reliable service means finding and hiring a great team is crucial. What is the ideal personality? What skills should the candidate have? Do they need specific technical skills or software knowledge?
As a consulting company, ProductLife Group (PLG) aims to build successful teams by keeping the clients in mind at every process step. We focus on building a team that meets your client’s needs in every interaction. Our teams are set up to deliver on the criteria most valued by our clients (e.g. experience, personality, service language, support time-zone, cost, response time). These values are different for each client and must be considered meticulously.
In building a great team, we look at candidates with a strong track record and recruit candidates who demonstrate a strong background and are eager to transition. For us, it is crucial to have passionate members who will push for improvements and services that our clients want.
We know that people can be easily trained on performing certain tasks and using some applications; thus, we focus on hiring candidates with good personalities that suit the client’s needs and values and the experience they bring to the team.
Once the hiring is done, an intense training period follows. First, they are trained in the PLG ways and subsequently trained on the client’s specific requirements. We continue to provide training with the client during the project’s lifespan as needed.
We provide timely training to our team and internally discuss new learnings to keep everyone updated on the latest information.
We also ensure every team member has a backup for their work to ensure business continuity in case of absence/vacations.
As important as building the right team for the client, keeping the turnaround to a minimum to increase efficiency is also important. However, we do not keep underperformers in the team for the sake of it.
The dynamic between PLG and the client is of great importance. Finding the right balance between holding too much or not having enough authority may be difficult. But at PLG, we always have a solution. Depending on the client’s comfort level, we offer different team structures that allow for a healthy balance between micro and macro management by the client.
We aim to know our clients well, become aware of their needs, the most common issues they face and how they can be resolved. Hence, you might as well do it right the first time, and for this, you have to know and understand the client’s needs from the beginning.
We set up key performance indicators (KPIs) for the team together with the client. A successful team has key performance indicators that measure the team’s performance. It allows the team to reach out and dig deeper into their experiences and helps keep everyone working on the same goals and strategies for improvement.
To ensure our team’s success, we empower them in various aspects that will enable them to make decisions that enhance clients’ experiences. The teams we build are responsive as well as proactive. Every team member must feel like they belong, that their ideas are valued, and their voices heard, and at PLG, this is exactly what we aim to achieve.
Everyone in the team knows what they are individually responsible for and their role in the team structure.
We put the client at the centre and prioritise them by consistently monitoring their progress, identifying and taking action on opportunities to enhance the client experience.
The objective is to provide our clients with resources that allow them to solve their problems in an empowering way.
There is always effective data sharing across our teams. It allows the teams to easily access data from a central point, thus establishing internal efficiency. This way, it helps minimise conflicting reports and redundancies.
Datedness and robustness are a must for our teams. The evolution of operations is vital in maintaining our company’s needs and goals. It helps our team act quickly to respond to and even predict what problems our clients will bring to the table next.
We develop standardised processes, making collecting, analysing, and using data for handling common occurrences easier. This leads to less time our team spends analysing reports, improving productivity.
Our teams are adaptable and flexible. Due to unpredictability, it is essential to acknowledge that mistakes can occur, requiring quick adaptations of new and efficient strategies.
The transition period after the project kick-off is of great importance for the success of a new publishing team. This is why we keep the transition period short; to do this, you need a strong, knowledgeable team ready to work together.
A great team needs a great team leader to oversee the development and implementation of strategies, handle the team’s management and growth, and manage the existing client base. The team leader’s responsibility is to motivate and inspire the employees to share a common vision and drive the team’s productivity to the maximum.
The teams we build have coordinators within them who develop and track metrics and key performance indicators for the team and its members, manage team workflows and internal processes to ensure efficiencies, establish early warning systems and contact clients directly, guide them, and foster positive connections.
ProductLife Group ensures the team understands their roles within the massive team structure. We carefully consider designing our team structure that suits our clients’ global structure.
At PLG, we value our clients and tailor distinctive teams to their needs. Publishing is one of the services, but this is true for all our services.
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