Type of news

" Integrating local pharmacovigilance system into global pharmacovigilance system: Benefits of regional presence in outsourcing "

An online event

17 july 2024

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

" Clinical validation for software integrating AI - Comparison between MD and IVD "

An online event

16 july 2024

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

" Annex 1 Changes and Challenges: a concrete return of experience from the clients "

An online event

09 july 2024

10:00 am - 11:00 am

" Acceptance of NDA’s/ MAA’s with only Chinese patients by Western regulatory agencies "

An online event

27 june 2024

3:00 pm

" La Charte Qualité des Pratiques Professionnelles dans l'Industrie du Dispositif Médical "

An online event

25 june 2024

11:30 am - 12:15 pm

" Borderline Products - Key considerations for health and nutrition industry "

An online event

13 june 2024

4:00 pm

" How to use regulatory document sources to build an IDMP data model? "

An online event

13 june 2024

2:00 pm

" Veeva R&D & Quality Summit "

A live event in Lyon

04 june 2024 - 05 june 2024

9:00 am