Customer understanding

In 2006, the customer launched the project in order to support its internal resources.  

Project started with a few people in an insourcing mode on customer site. Year after year the team has been growing to become an autonomous structure with stronger on-site management and coordination in order to take in charge the management of the back-up system, newcomers on-boarding, workload management, distribution and forecast and continuous improvement of the service delivered. 

The structure has been adapting to client reorganizations with important changes in the scope 
and volume of activity but always maintaining a high level of the quality of the service. 


Project Scope

PLG’s responsibility covers:

  • The program is in place since 2006 with the objective to support the R&D activity in EMEA
  • High variation of volume of activity up to 52 FTE in 2016.


  • Scope:
    • Mainly Cosmetic R&D support (RA, RM qualification, Packaging, microbiology, Analytical, Formulation and system admin)
    • Some OTC (Over-the-counter drugs or products) and Medical Device activities

Solution provided by PLG

The end-to-end global outsourcing model is defined by:

  • Process: Extended scope, with management of complete processes
  • Back-up: In place for each activity with various solutions including cross-teams partial back-up solutions to ensure continuity of activity or additional support.
  • Coordination: Team coordinators acting as technical referees, managing priorities, distributing the tasks/projects within the team, giving priorities and managing the on-boarding of the newcomers with a close reporting to the client.

Flexible solutions for Resource needs

  • On-site resources optimization by using backup options for support (within the team or cross-team) and/or implementing extra hours with recovery during a period with reduced activity to manage activity increase or a new mission onboarding.
  • Off-site ProductLife Group support: ProductLife Group platforms and hubs structure delivers support via existing resources mobilized in under one week depending on the activity.


Added-value and customer benefits

  • Customer benefits

Project management & PLG expertise enabled to continuously improve On-Time-Delivery (OTD) and Right-First-Time (RFT) KPIs.

In 2018, after canceling classical KPIs in agreement with the client, PLG proposed new ones to continue improvement, based on a detailed customer satisfaction analysis with the objective to understand client perception, anticipate issues and implement or verify efficiency of action plans.

It allows us to maintain our continuous improvement plan driving the global evolution of the partnership with 3 axes of project optimization and customer benefits:

Autonomy  –  Flexibility  –  Efficiency

  • PLG success factors

PLG adaptability to customer evolutions with adaptation of the operating model, Workload evaluation, distribution, planning and forecast.

PLG Growing autonomy resulting in time saving for the customer.

Back-up management: activities maintained whatever missing resources.

New resources training in autonomy; customer partners qualification & training.

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Case Study: Business Case Global Outsourcing