21Invest dedicates its 7th episode of the 21PortfolioSeries to PLG's growth journey.

Exploring leadership in the pharma industry: ProductLife Group’s CEO Xavier Duburcq uncovers the PLG’s strengths, successes, and ambition to consolidate all leaders in our domain, during the latest episode of #21PortfolioStories by 21 Invest.

Submission Management in PLG

Providing the right expertise for regulatory operations is crucial to ensure the timely delivery of compliant submissions to global health authorities. Submission Managers ensure the correct planning, preparation, and delivery of regulatory submissions. But what sets them apart?

Electronic Document Management (EDMS) vs Sharepoint: understanding the scope and relevance in the pharmaceutical industry

Technology leading to globalization has given us access to various options for our needs. The pharma industry is no different. We have the availability of many different software to manage our data. Which one should you choose? Which one is right for you? Discover the differences and considerations to remember when choosing the right software to manage your pharma documents.

Revolutionizing healthcare: the power of Electronic Product Information

Electronic Product Information (ePI) is a growing trend in the industry. Access for healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare authorities to be able to update their product information remotely and instantaneously is a game changer for the medicinal industry. Of course, with new technology, there will be growing pains in the form of infrastructure, adoption, and technical standards.

IDMP: support Data Governance in the pharmaceutical industry

It is all about your data governance. Your internal data standards and policies set in place by your company dictate that governance. This means you want to have a healthy appreciation for the global standards throughout the industry and adhere to good practices and defined regulations. After all, this data will allow you to make reliable business decisions and optimize your operations. In the pharma industry, IDMP can help your data governance.

Regulatory Intelligence Monitoring in the ever-changing regulatory environment

The competitive pharma industry and dynamic changing regulations allow for a thin margin of fault for all pharma companies. You have to always be on top of your game, and as many pharma experts in the business will tell you, you also need to be ahead of the game. This phenomenon is not unique to the pharma industry, and many other global industries experience this. How do they maintain their superiority in this global market? Intelligence. In the pharma industry, you must have quality information at your fingertips to stay ahead of the game and make efficient decisions.

Annex 1: Implementation of a CCS

Annex 1 of the European Good Manufacturing Practice regulations has highlighted two main concepts of concern to pharma manufacturing companies. Contamination Control Strategy (CCS) and Quality Risk Management (QRM) are the concepts in question. Implementing these processes can be arduous for some companies, and this is where PLG can support you in managing these tasks.

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