05 march 2024
Paris, France – March 5th, 2024
ProductLife Group (PLG), the specialised global provider of regulatory, scientific, vigilance, quality and digital transformation consulting services for the life sciences industries, today announced the acquisition of Health Care Solution (HCS), a leading Moroccan consultancy whose reach spans across more than 30 different African countries. With this alliance, PLG reinforces its ability to support client regulatory and compliance needs globally.
Health Care Solution was founded in 2016 in Casablanca, Morocco, specializing in Regulatory Affairs, Quality and Industrialization consulting. It offers operational support, audit and training services across Middle East and Africa, leveraging its strong technical and regulatory know-how. These new regional capabilities will complement PLG’s end-to-end regulatory solutions designed to streamline compliance strategies across global markets.
Abderrahim Bouabidi, Ph.D, Founder & Managing Director of HCS said: “This merger with PLG is a fantastic opportunity to grow internationally thanks to PLG’s worldwide presence. The HCS consultants will be involved on larger scale global projects, and PLG will support HCS in opening new doors in Middle East and Africa. We are eager to see opportunities unfold as they will bring vast benefits to our clients and team members.”
Xavier Duburcq, CEO of PLG, commented: “PLG’s global presence and expertise, combined with HCS’s regional knowledge and capabilities, will enable us to deliver enhanced services and solutions to our clients. This strategic move comes approximately three years after the acquisition of AXPharma, which experienced rapid team expansion in Tunisia following its take-over by PLG. This is an exciting new chapter in our journey.”
About ProductLife Group:ProductLife Group’s mission is to support patient access to safe and effective healthcare solutions by delivering worldwide consulting and outsourcing services through the entire product life. Combining local expertise with global reach spanning more than 150 countries, PLG is the Life Sciences Industries reference strategic partner for the development, market introduction and life cycle management of product portfolios, and the related business and digital transformation. With a goal of continuously improving the value delivered to teams and clients, PLG is committed to long-term partnership, innovation, flexibility, and cost efficiency.
For more information, visit https://productlifegroup.com/ Contact Fabrice Galzin
Health Care SolutionHealth Care Solution is a consultancy founded in 2016 in Casablanca, Morocco by Abderrahim BOUABIDI Ph. D, located in Morocco and specialized in Regulatory Affairs, CMC, Quality assurance and industrialization. The company offers delivery support, audit, training services in particular to pharmaceutical, medical devices, food supplements, reagents and cosmetics industries. This is achieved through a profound combination of technical expertise and regulatory knowledge. HCS is known for being the leader in Morocco and one of the main consultancies in Africa in the Regulatory & Compliance space.
For more information, visit https://www.hcspharma.com/fr/index.html Contact Abderrahim Bouabidi |
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